Humans have a difficult time understanding how to love as God loves. Too often humans translate this kind of love as turning a blind eye to the truth of human Character. We live in a kind of denial about ourselves, our loved ones, our communities and the world thinking that this is how love works. The truth is, humans are deeply flawed and corrupt. Paul writes in Romans 3 that our throats are an open grave and the poison of asps is on our lips. In the scripture above, even though Jesus came to give his life for people He did not trust us because He knew how deeply flawed we are. One week before the crowd shouts to crucify Him those same people were shouting Hosanna to the King.
God does not love us because we are lovable. He loves us because He is
love. It is His nature, thankfully for us. As we are called to love
people we must do so acknowledging the full truth about ourselves, our
families, friends, communities and the whole world. "There is none
righteous. Not even one. Everyone has turned to his own way." Humans
are deeply flawed, selfish and unreliable. Our actions cause friction in
the world around us. Our footprints in the world stomp on others. Our
hearts are desperately wicked. This is reflected in the world we
occupy with all the conflicts, hate, murders, assaults, corruptions,
self interests, controlling of others, accidents we cause by our
inattention to how we impact others, etc. It is difficult for us to be
otherwise as this is our true nature.
It takes a God to love people because we are not lovable. Even after His Holy Spirit comes to live in us the road of transformation from our true nature into the nature of Christ takes a lifetime.
It takes a God to love people because we are not lovable. Even after His Holy Spirit comes to live in us the road of transformation from our true nature into the nature of Christ takes a lifetime.