Sunday, October 18, 2009

Repeat After Me

I hate repetition. Teachers tell me that repetition is an essential tool in learning. I'll have to take their word for it. I hate maintenance because it really is repetition by another name. But hating it and not doing it are different.

I can hate maintenance but if I don't clean my house, my car, my body you can see the outcome. My lawn doesn't stop growing after I mow it. Don't you hate that?

I can hate repetition but if I only go to the gym once, I have wasted even that one time. I have to go repetitively. Interesting that not going is likewise repetition but apparently I don't hate that. If I don't repetitively go to work I will likely lose my house and car and not have to mow my lawn anymore.

David Bach, in his book Automatic Millionaire, tells us this common sense thing. Repetition is essential to wealth. If you save money only once, you will never be wealthier than you are now. He says that it is so important that you should not leave it to your memory. You should set up automatic savings, i.e. through your job or your bank.

Repetition has a cumulative impact. Doing something only once rarely has any long term impact on our lives. Doing something once is an experience. Doing it repetitively builds a skill and a habit.

Repetitive expressions of love and appreciation lead to stronger relationships.

Human beings are creatures of repetition. We repeat things whether we choose to or not. Not exercising can be repetitive. Smoking and other unhealthy activities have proven that they can be repetitive. A wise step might be to make a list of my repetitive activities to consider what the long term impact appears to be. If there are some things in life that you want, consider what repetitive activities could make that happen.

Have you ever considered why some people are successful and some are not? You may have thought that it has to do with talent or money or education. It's really much simpler than that.

Success principle: Repeat positive activities.

PS: God has promised to help us make better choices. You can try to do it on your own but success is more likely when you ask Him to help. Oh and He also encouraged us to keep, repetitively asking. Mat 7:7 "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

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