Sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you. This topic is loaded and I've thought a great deal about it over the last couple of years. I won't overwhelm you with all the research that I've done but here in a nutshell is what I believe: (I hope that it is not too gloomy for you.)
1. The expansion of Islam is a problem for the whole world and in particular the US but I believe that that influence will be stifled by their militant methods. Any attempts to use violence to achieve their ends in the US which seems quite common are likely to be met with a huge backlash.
2. The above expansion of Islam will likely be further slowed by immigration from Mexico. Mexicans are staunchly Catholic even though many don't participate regularly in church activities. They are not easily influenced by Islam even in prison. Blacks are more easily influenced but, as with anglos, blacks are declining as a percentage of the population with the unchecked immigration from Mexico.
3. Lastly, and in my mind more devastating, I believe that the US is declining economically in the world which will eventually mean that we will lose our leadership in the world on many levels. This problem is not one that will come from a foreign enemy. It will come from within based on the compacency of the American people. Our government is printing money like crazy in an attempt to bail out investment companies, banks, home builders and buyers and continuing to fund the war. Privately, people are continuing to increase their personal debt with the use of credit cards. Their houses are losing value back to a few years ago. (Ours included). If Obama is elected he will take more money out of the economy for use by the government to create programs that are as poorly run as the post office and the TSA. Likewise if McCain is elected he will be hamstrung by the Democratic congress and President Bush's tax cuts will be allowed to expire in 2010. I saw an interview with demonstrators at the Dem convention. They were asked to identify an array of pics of political figures and none could identify Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Dick Cheney. Furthermore, many were asked to identify a specific legislation that Obama has sponsored that got them to believe in him. Not one could identify a single thing that Obama had ever done only what he says that he will do. This is a sad commentary on the state of the American people. They know more about the contestants on American Idol who have no impact on their lives than the men and women in politics who do. America will implode. Fully half of the American people are liberal and believe that it's the gov't's job to fix the problems of the country and the world. They are not just ignorant of the impact of an adjustable rate mortgage they are ignorant of the impact of the spending behavior of the gov't. Most people are not aware that 1/3 of the $3 trillion federal budget is interest on the money already borrowed by the gov't. The total federal budget is likely to grow exponentially as more boomers retire and SS is found to be bankrupt. There is no SS trust fund. ALL of the SS trust fund has been borrowed by the general budget. The budget surplus touted by the Clinton admin was a hoax. They simply borrowed from the SS trust fund and used accounting tricks to cover it up. How long until that 1/3 becomes 1/2 or 3/4 of the budget? Where is the money going to come from? Already, according to Forbes magazine wealthy people and not so wealthy are moving out of the country seeing this decline. If the more productive members of the society leave what does that leave? The burden on the remaining people will become even worse. If all of the countries around the world begin to believe that the US gov't is no longer a safe place for their money they will move it elsewhere and our dollar with free fall causing inflation like we have never experienced in our lifetimes.
4. Disasters: Americans are wimps and children and fools. Each time a disaster comes upon us, whether natural (Katrina) or man-made (9/11), Americans are willing to give up their freedom to the gov't so that they may feel safe or they are willing to let the gov't spend billions of dollars on foolish enterprises like rebuilding homes below sea level, and providing $2k debit cards and buying mobile homes that are never used. Each new disaster that occurs will further erode our freedom, both physical and economic.
5. The Bible has taught us that the end will not be pretty. Though many scholars have tried there is very little evidence of a country like the US having any great influence on the world stage when Armageddon comes. I believe that Israel will have to stand alone because we will have collapsed. We know that "a days wages for a loaf of bread", inflation will consume us. We also know that people will be "marrying, and giving in marriage" and going about their business as though nothing is wrong. We know that Jesus will return with a shout and the true end will come in judgement. But we will see terrible things before that. I believe that perhaps in my life time or in the life times of your grand kids that the world will see the Anti-christ and 1 world government.
6. I have become quite gloomy in the last year seeing the condition of our country and have even done research about living in places like Panama or Costa Rica. They will not be spared the judgement of the world but they will be late to that party as they are not a target of terrorists, they are not dependent on the American economy and their immigrants are the best and brightest from the US and around the world seeking to escape the tyranny and economic disasters that their homelands are becoming. God may have another plan for my life and I will do and go where He wants but if He allows a wise person will see the decline of our country and move on.
"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing." It is too late to protect our government. The liberals and humanists and God haters have taken control.
Note: I may be a gloomy gus or a Jeremiah, but if you agree with any of this tell everyone you can especially your kids and grand kids.
1. The expansion of Islam is a problem for the whole world and in particular the US but I believe that that influence will be stifled by their militant methods. Any attempts to use violence to achieve their ends in the US which seems quite common are likely to be met with a huge backlash.
2. The above expansion of Islam will likely be further slowed by immigration from Mexico. Mexicans are staunchly Catholic even though many don't participate regularly in church activities. They are not easily influenced by Islam even in prison. Blacks are more easily influenced but, as with anglos, blacks are declining as a percentage of the population with the unchecked immigration from Mexico.
3. Lastly, and in my mind more devastating, I believe that the US is declining economically in the world which will eventually mean that we will lose our leadership in the world on many levels. This problem is not one that will come from a foreign enemy. It will come from within based on the compacency of the American people. Our government is printing money like crazy in an attempt to bail out investment companies, banks, home builders and buyers and continuing to fund the war. Privately, people are continuing to increase their personal debt with the use of credit cards. Their houses are losing value back to a few years ago. (Ours included). If Obama is elected he will take more money out of the economy for use by the government to create programs that are as poorly run as the post office and the TSA. Likewise if McCain is elected he will be hamstrung by the Democratic congress and President Bush's tax cuts will be allowed to expire in 2010. I saw an interview with demonstrators at the Dem convention. They were asked to identify an array of pics of political figures and none could identify Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Dick Cheney. Furthermore, many were asked to identify a specific legislation that Obama has sponsored that got them to believe in him. Not one could identify a single thing that Obama had ever done only what he says that he will do. This is a sad commentary on the state of the American people. They know more about the contestants on American Idol who have no impact on their lives than the men and women in politics who do. America will implode. Fully half of the American people are liberal and believe that it's the gov't's job to fix the problems of the country and the world. They are not just ignorant of the impact of an adjustable rate mortgage they are ignorant of the impact of the spending behavior of the gov't. Most people are not aware that 1/3 of the $3 trillion federal budget is interest on the money already borrowed by the gov't. The total federal budget is likely to grow exponentially as more boomers retire and SS is found to be bankrupt. There is no SS trust fund. ALL of the SS trust fund has been borrowed by the general budget. The budget surplus touted by the Clinton admin was a hoax. They simply borrowed from the SS trust fund and used accounting tricks to cover it up. How long until that 1/3 becomes 1/2 or 3/4 of the budget? Where is the money going to come from? Already, according to Forbes magazine wealthy people and not so wealthy are moving out of the country seeing this decline. If the more productive members of the society leave what does that leave? The burden on the remaining people will become even worse. If all of the countries around the world begin to believe that the US gov't is no longer a safe place for their money they will move it elsewhere and our dollar with free fall causing inflation like we have never experienced in our lifetimes.
4. Disasters: Americans are wimps and children and fools. Each time a disaster comes upon us, whether natural (Katrina) or man-made (9/11), Americans are willing to give up their freedom to the gov't so that they may feel safe or they are willing to let the gov't spend billions of dollars on foolish enterprises like rebuilding homes below sea level, and providing $2k debit cards and buying mobile homes that are never used. Each new disaster that occurs will further erode our freedom, both physical and economic.
5. The Bible has taught us that the end will not be pretty. Though many scholars have tried there is very little evidence of a country like the US having any great influence on the world stage when Armageddon comes. I believe that Israel will have to stand alone because we will have collapsed. We know that "a days wages for a loaf of bread", inflation will consume us. We also know that people will be "marrying, and giving in marriage" and going about their business as though nothing is wrong. We know that Jesus will return with a shout and the true end will come in judgement. But we will see terrible things before that. I believe that perhaps in my life time or in the life times of your grand kids that the world will see the Anti-christ and 1 world government.
6. I have become quite gloomy in the last year seeing the condition of our country and have even done research about living in places like Panama or Costa Rica. They will not be spared the judgement of the world but they will be late to that party as they are not a target of terrorists, they are not dependent on the American economy and their immigrants are the best and brightest from the US and around the world seeking to escape the tyranny and economic disasters that their homelands are becoming. God may have another plan for my life and I will do and go where He wants but if He allows a wise person will see the decline of our country and move on.
"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing." It is too late to protect our government. The liberals and humanists and God haters have taken control.
Note: I may be a gloomy gus or a Jeremiah, but if you agree with any of this tell everyone you can especially your kids and grand kids.
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