Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You might not believe in freedom...

You might not believe in freedom if ....

1) you believe that the gov't is the answer to anything.
2) believe that anyone should pay more taxes than you.
3) believe anything a politician says.
4) believe that it's unfair for anyone to have more stuff than you.
5) believe police can protect you from crime.
6) believe that the gov't wants to protect you from anything.
7) believe that you have a right to

a) a job
b) healthcare
c) a mortgage
d) food

8) believe everyone doesn't have the right to do with their property as they choose.
9) believe that it's the gov't's job to keep people from hurting themselves with drugs or alcohol or a gun or their car.
10) believe that the gov't should force everyone to wear a seatbelt.
11) believe that parents should not have a choice about which school their child should go to.
12) believe that the gov't has a huge pool of money.
13) believe that the gov't should rebuild your house after a disaster.
14) you ever said the words "There ought to be a law."

Freedom is the practice of living out any personal choice without limitation except as it interferes with the freedom of another. You may choose to purposely limit yourself, perhaps wisely, but if you believe that your choices should be legislated for all then YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN FREEDOM. You may be an an American citizen by accident of birth or by criminal invasion but YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN IN SPIRIT.

Legislation is looking to the gov't to fix your life. Everytime you do that you surrender your freedom and that of others. Legislation used to be the last resort of the impotent and weak now it's the first step.

If you don't like the Spirit of Freedom, then go somewhere where you will feel safer but know that you will be less free.

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